Johnny James Barone

Coming from a diverse musical background as a kid, John listened to all types of music from big bands of the 40's to the heaviest of metal. Growing up, John played a few different instruments: the drums were his passion for a few years and in school he played the sax and clarinet. He actually started playing guitar in his early teens and it just stuck with him.
Fast forward to the now - he finds inspiration from the past and present with bands like Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Rush, Pink Floyd, Judas Priest, Megadeth, Pantera, Overkill, Slayer, Dreamtheater and Disturbed. More recently, he has been listening to groups like Lamb of God, Trivium, Adrenaline Mob and Alterbridge.
Currently John plays Schecter & ESP guitars and prefers tried and true Boss effects and processors, as well as Peavey JSX Amps & cabinets.